Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Rope

Revelation I received from God about my life after returning from Sedona,Az.
"The Rope"
   I found myself on a mountain at the end of my rope. Before me appeared a much
larger rope that led as far as the eye could see. I had been climbing the rope

that I was on for so long and it seemed to lead no where. Sometimes the climb was
easy,sometimes it was hard,but it never seemed to get me anywhere. After much

struggle with the rope I was on,one day I took a leap of "Faith" and grabbed
onto the much larger rope. I started climbing and a change came over me. The

higher I got, the stronger I got.At the same time,I became more frightened for
fear of falling. I stopped a few times to catch my breath but felt compelled to

keep climbing. Then I noticed the more I climbed,the less afraid I became. When I
looked up, I could see the top of the mountain,I was in the clouds. I had almost

reached the top. My heart was pounding my energy was high and I notice there had
been a change in me that had taken place. I reach the top and stood up. What I

saw, was the most incredible view I had ever seen. My mind was clear and taking
in all the beauty around me. My heart was so soft,I wanted to cry. My soul had

been changed and I felt like a new person. I would never look at my life the
same. I reflected on the rope that I had spent my whole life on and wondered why

I thought that the rope I was on would lead me to happiness. After trying to
absorb this overwhelming quest, I all the sudden felt a great desire to climb

back down the rope and tell others what I had experienced. As I climbed down,I
saw other people on the rope. Some were up high and some had just started the

climb. But many people were right in the middle not moving. Not going up nor
going back down. When I got to the beginning of the rope, I started telling

everyone that would listen to me about the rope that led to the top. Most people
wouldn't listen to what I had to say. They were so content with climbing their

own rope, which I knew would lead them no where for I had been climbing the same
type of rope for so many years. Some people saw the rope I was on but were to

afraid to make the leap of "Faith". They were afraid of falling. I noticed that
while telling people about the rope,the place seemed dark and cold. It was'nt

until I saw the light on the mountain top that I could distinguish the
difference. The individual ropes that we climb represents us living our own life

trying to achieve fame,fortune and success on our own. Living life to satisfy
ourselves. The leap to the other rope is the leap of "Faith" when we surrender

our lives to Jesus. Give your life and Receive eternal life. The rope of life
represents the hand of God.Climb it diligently and always know....God will never

let you fall. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus has his hand out.
Grab hold of him! The climb represents the struggles that we endure. God will

give you the Holy Spirit to comfort you and encourage you on your climb+++ When
you reach the top of the mountain,the scales fall off your eyes. You have

achieved eternal life You acknowledge that you have been Born Again and you got
to go tell someone!!! The people that stop on the rope and become comfortable,

represent the Luke warm Christian that God will spew out of his mouth. One is
either in the dark or in the light. There is nothing in between. If you are by

the door in the dark....your still in the dark. The Lord wants us to have a
great passion for him and be on fire for him. When you are in the dark,your eyes

adjust. When most everyone around you is in darkness,you don't know your in the
dark. It is only when you step into the light that you realize what a dark place

you were in. I pray that this will encourage you and others to seek the lord. Allow
me to show you HOW, to Love thy Lord God with all your Heart,Soul,Mind and Strength and what it means to love our neighbor as we would ourselves.

†he Ga†hering S†orm


  1. wow. Interesting how God lead me to this blog. I was almost in tears reading because I felt this message at the core of my heart. I love how God leads us to places only he knows about. Like this blog. I am in a way letting other people know about my rope too now, and i love this outlook, and i love the reminder that God gave us the Holy spirit as our encouragement. He started the fire in our hearts, and will continue to keep it going by the power of the Spirit. He will continue the good work he started in us until completion. Thanks for the inspiration, and thanks Holy Spirit for leading me here to read these words. God bless

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  3. Truly inspiring writing...Thanks for the invite. As a new born christian and a recovering addict I can totally relate to this. To many years spent spinning wheels in the wrong direction. Stemming from a passing parent, family tradition, fitting in, to finally trying to end it all...I'm now living in the light by the Grace of God....God Bless
